Imperial College Exiles North America East
This web-page is provided by McCann Science (Consulting Engineering).
ICENAE history. Links to others in North America etc.
34th Annual ICENAE Reunion, 2008.
Another Great Event! The '08 Reunion was held for the second year at the Crowne Plaza in Lake Placid, upstate New York. The autumn colours were utterly awesome. As in previous years the group got together on the Friday night at a Bungalow on the property on a BYOB basis with the Stukee and wife providing finger food. This was followed by a communal meal at the " Boat House " one of the hotel's restaurants but off-premises. Saturday, historically, was spent with the golfers golfing, the hikers hiking and the do-nothing-ers doing nothing; but doing it very well! This year I tried something different. A Treasure Hunt! I split the party into five groups of eight and with a list of requirements sent them off into the environs of Lake Placid. Initially there were some concerns, followed by some complaints, finishing up with some criticisms! All that in the first half-hour! SEVEN, yes 7 Hours later we reassembled in the Bungalow for the evaluation and some well earned drinks. It would fill volumes to describe that evaluation. Suffice to say there was a winning team and EVERYBODY had fun. We followed this with Dinner in a cozy nook called the Library. The winning team having free wine with their meals. The evening ended back at the Bungalow for more libations. Michael Barron |
For more information about the resort: Crowne Plaza, Lake Placid
*ICENAE stands for Imperial College Exiles North America East, and has been a much enjoyed reunion of IC graduates and spouses/friends for the last 31 years, meeting annually over a weekend in upstate New York and more recently in Canada. It is open to any ICSTM alumni, especially those that reduce the average age of the group. Toronto Monthly. ICENAE HISTORY Return to top of ICENAE page IMPERIAL COLLEGE ALUMNI in
North America (and further afield) Doug St Pierre acts as a contact for
"ICSTM Alumni, Midwest Cyber Chapter", who says: The hoped for Fall meeting
never took place... insufficient interest. My feeling now is to try to expand the Cyber
concept. For those of us spread in the middle of the continent there are not enough alumni
to gather up into a critical mass. That is to say, my experience, and that of others, is
that you can only get out about 25% of the membership of any voluntary organization to a
meeting. When there are only 20 or so in the whole chapter and they are spread over a
large area it is seemingly impossible to arouse interest in getting people to spend a day
traveling to get to a meeting... I doubt that I could even get them out for a Second
Coming! Even though I ask for ideas I never get any and trying to get something for IC
Matters is like pulling teeth. Thus, I think that we must move to criticality by expanding
the scope of the cyber chapter to the whole country. We must try to find out what alumni
want, if anything. I plan to round up email addresses through the college alumni relations
office just as I did for the Midwest group. Your website would be useful, if you could put
a note in it* to the effect that if alumni would like to join they should contact me at . They should also offer
suggestions as to what they would like to see in such a cybergoup eg an address book of
alumni with brief bios... useful for job seekers, discounts for flights to London, etc. Jonathan Spatz, at Carnegie Mellon also has links to the IC Foundation. We have contact with an IC group in Japan. Mr Shigetoshi YANASE says "Our
alumni society in Japan is called South Kensington Kai, SKK, which has 400 members and
holds a meeting and party every year. In the meeting of November (1999), it was
decided to to create a website and have a trial for the SKK in order to simulate
activities of the SKK and to promote the interaction between IC alumni in other countries
and in Japan." Their website can be found at: |
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